Realistic Interactive Handwoven Mouse Toy for Cats
Go-Cat Cat Catcher will provide endless fun for you and your cat. The Cat Catcher Set has a tiny, cute mouse attached to a flexible wire at one end and the wire is connected to a 6" glitter wand at the other end. Bond with you cat as you play! The incredibly durable Cat Catcher gives you fantastic action just by turning the handle with your thumb and forefinger.
Handcrafted in the USA! Your feline friend will have loads of fun trying to catch the Cat Catcher mousey as it is squirming, skidding, and flopping to get away. No couch potatoes with this toy! Veterinarian recommended as an exercise toy.
Handcrafted in the USA. Colors may vary. Available as a set (Wand Mouse), or as individual easy to swap replacement Rat or Mouse.